Tools to Create a More Mindful World

It’s been several months since I have been in touch, and wow, what a time it has been!  This pandemic has  made mental health a priority like never before.   In order to serve this growing need, we have been working really hard to not only serve clients face to face, but to create content that serves on an even bigger scale.  Why? Because making mental health information and tools as accessible as possible is one of our core values, and if there was ever a time to jump in and start this process its’ right now.
In keeping with our mission to democratize mental health, I am writing today to share not one, but two excellent online events that can help us put the teachings of mindfulness into practice to create a better world.
The first is The Mindful World Parenting Summit. Hosted, once again by yours truly, this year’s summit features the teachings of an incredible array of experts such as Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Lisa Nichols, Kate Northrup, Dr. Laura Markham, Les Brown and many more.  It is also filled with practical tools parents and families can use to get through this unique time in our collective history.  And I am happy to tell you that this year, the producers asked me to not only host the summit, but to also provide a talk, and demonstrate some mindfulness exercises, including my Flow to Grow expressive writing practice.  (Not sure what the Flow to Grow practice is? Check out the links in bio @growingforwardsoulschool on Instagram to learn more). The Mindful World Parenting Summit is FREE from November 9-15.  So don’t delay. I’d hate for you to miss out on this amazing content.
The second event I would love for you to get a chance to see is an incredible film called Milton’s Secret, the first feature film based on the teachings of Ekhart Tolle, starring Donald Sutherland and Michelle Rodrigues.  This film is not just a film – it is an educational tool that can be used in conjunction with two learning programs featuring Ekhart Tolle that includes clips from the film as well as exercises for families and students to help put these teachings into practice.  You can watch the preview here.
This film is near and dear to my heart.  It is an example of transformational ‘edutainment’ at its best and includes so many beautiful examples of how we can address problems such as anxiety, financial strain and bullying in a mindful and compassionate way.  I was honoured to have been invited to visit the set, hang out with some of the cast, and volunteered to help craft the educational materials based on Ekhart’s responses to the film.  It is an incredible offering that I am so proud to support and hope you will watch and allow yourself to be impacted by it.  Click hereto get your ticket to watch it for FREE until November 25, 2020.   
From now on, me and my team of clinicians will be sending you this newsletter once/week because its needed.  If you aren’t interested in having us in your inbox weekly, please unsubscribe.  The last thing we want is to feel like a nuisance to you.  And for those who could use a little extra support, we will be here to support you.
And if you take advantage of these offerings, comment and let us know how they helped and be sure to share them.  It is going to take a lot of us to make a difference, and as our clients know, when we do the inner work the entire world around us changes.  That is the truth.  Check it out.
With Love, Support, and Deep Respect
Dr. Stacy & The Design Your Life Team

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